

1. Identification of developmental and learning problems of preschoolers.
2. Assessing the behavioural pattern of children
3. Early detection and intervention services for children between 3 or 6 years





Clinic Set-up

The clinic is functioning on all Wednesdays from 9.00 am to 3.00pm except holidays


Intervention Programme

Intervention is aimed at enhancing language and communication, social play, pre-academic and independent living skills of young children so that they may take better advantage of opportunities in their communities and may require less professional attention as they grow older.

An individual education programme is developed specially to meet the educational training needs of each child. As no two special children have similar abilities, majority of special children require services from more than one discipline, such as special education, speech therapy, audiology, psychology, physiotherapy, occupational therapy. It is essential that a comprehensive service programme be developed for each child based on his needs including the appropriate inputs from each discipline.
Intervention is mainly given for children who are diagnosed as having Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD), Learning Disorders (LD), Intellectually disabled and ASD(Autism Spectrum Disorder). Intervention packages are available for children with different problems.


Service Offered


1) Growth monitoring of children – Weight, Height & Head Circumference
2) Various Developmental Screening Tests.
3) Psychological evaluation
4) Educational counselling for scholastic backwardness
5) Evaluation, diagnosis and treatment plan for medical problems by Developmental Pediatrician