At Risk Baby Clinic


At-risk babies are more likely to develop developmental delay and hence regular developmental follow-up at fixed interval is planned for these children.




1. Reducing childhood disability through early detection and intervention program
2. Assessing the developmental status of new-borns who are at risk for developing developmental delay
3. Assessing and monitoring the growth status



Clinic Set-up

The Clinic is functioning at Child Development Centre on all Tuesdays and Fridays from 9 am to 1 pm except on holidays.

Low Birth Weight babies and those babies who were admitted to the In-born and Out-born nurseries at SAT Hospital Thiruvananthapuram are being given appointment. All children will be categorized on risk basis as mild, moderate and severe. All mild risk babies will be followed up at 4th month, then at 1 year, moderate-risk babies will have the follow up regim at 2,4,8,12 months. All babies in severe risk categories will be followed up monthly till one year.


Services Offered

1. Health Education – Breast-feeding, weaning, supplementary foods, immunization, parenting etc.
2. Growth monitoring– weight, length & Head Circumference measurement
3. Developmental assessment using Trivandrum Developmental Screening Chart (TDSC) & CDC Grading for motor milestones
4. Developmental Screening using Denver Developmental Screening Test (DDST)
5. Neurological evaluation using Ameil-Tison method of neurological evaluation
6. Assessment of social age using Vineland Social Maturity Rating Scale
7. Early Intervention services (general stimulation techniques) for all children
8. Specific mother oriented therapy for those children showing mild developmental delay
9. Screening for hearing problems using Oto Acoustic Emission test
10. Screening for visual abnormalities by the ophthalmologist
11. Screening for medical problems by the Developmental Paediatrician.
12. Appropriate referrals to various specialty, if found necessary.
13. Follow up in pre-school – 3 ½ years and further need based follow up