NCRMI - Objectives

Ensuring assured level of basic services to the people working in the coconut fibre sector
  • Building an enabling environment for growth for the sector
  • Achieving fiscal sustainability of the sector enabling continuous development
  • Optimum utilization of available quality husks for the production of high valued products
  • Undertake consulting for improvement of the industry in terms of product value additions, diversification in coconut fibres in the lines of other natural fibre industries and evolving marketing strategies for export/ domestic (rural) markets etc.
  • Undertake transfer of technology for POC and acceptance amongst the industry about new generation value added products
  • Act as a knowledge centre for all information relating to policy directions, sharing of ideas, new product developments, market intelligence, improvements in the industry, technology innovations, product trends, trade practices and all other areas in coconut fibre through interaction, co-ordination and networking with other institutions of national and international repute and not to duplicate efforts
  • Extension activities for people working in the coconut fibre sector at panchayat level on technology development, current trends etc.
  • Exposure and extending management trainings for the societies in the export arena
  • Act as a nodal agency for sourcing funds for research programmes
  • Undertake capacity building in the industry to all types of stakeholders in various areas like technology, management, marketing etc.
  • Identify new talents and skills in research for development and impart training to equip the industry
  • Create awareness amongst the coconut-fibre industry on new IPRs, contractual obligations, and international trade related issues
  • Research on continuous availability, better utilization of raw material and production of better quality yarn.
  • Research on Technology interventions to improve productivity and quality.
  • Research on improved and environment friendly wet processes in dyeing and bleaching to improve colour / rub fastness.
  • Research on utility of bye-products with particular reference to pith.
  • Research and Training programs for industries - to improve health and safety standards in accordance with human rights compliance requirements of WTO.
  • Initiate research on “reduction cost of production” to improve cost competitiveness (Productivity, quality).
  • Refinement of technology (in defibreing & grading) Innovation (in conventional handlooms) to improve productivity, quality and reduce drudgery.
  • To study and serve as an intermediate body to improve the trade relations between small-scale producers and exporters, raw material suppliers.
  • Innovation in Softening of coconut fibres leading to larger acceptability of coconut fibre products
  • Undertake Quality Certification of raw materials, intermediate products and FP along the value chain.
  • Address social issues relating to the coconut fibre sector and incorporation of self help groups contributing to the continuous and sustainable upliftment.
  • To impart technical and management skills as well as enabling students and groom them to be a competitive entrepreneur enabling them to manage their own organization.