About the Division

The research and development division of NCRMI caters the need of coir Industry in Kerala. The division takes up research in the key areas of operation basic research, applied research and development research. This involves new product development, product diversification, technology development, innovative and environmental friendly engineering applications of coir geotextile, demonstrative projects to exhibit the applications of coir geotextile and collaborative projects.

Creative coir – Acoustic panel system in coir

Acoustic panel using different types of coir products of first generation were developed. It can be also used for interior decoration. The acoustic paneling system will serve the purpose of enhancing acoustics and will be cost effective. Preliminary prototypes of coir panels were made with available forms of coir in the market and experimented using different thickness. The same were designed in sizes and shapes to suit different instances where it could be used like false ceilings, partitions, walls etc. An eco-friendly, fire retardant, cost-effective and aesthetically good product was developed. The feature specifications of accoir are as follows:- the product has retrofit features, international standard for the panels, safe and organic, low cost alternative, a low NRC product, durable.

Development of Coir Binderless board

Coconut husk can be used as the base material for the production of environment friendly, binderless, high performance board materials. The specific chemical composition of the coir fibre, in particular its high content of lignin, can be used for the production of high quality coir fibre boards. The husk comprises 30 wt.% coir fibres and 70 wt.% pith. Both fibre and pith are extremely high (over 33%) in lignin and phenolic content. The thermal behaviour of coconut lignin at temperatures above 140 °C, where it melts and shows thermosetting properties, was explored for application as intrinsic binder in board production, utilizing whole fresh husks. A simple and efficient technology has been developed to produce high strength - high density board materials. After separation from the coconut, the husk is refined to small particles and short fibres using a simple opening technique by dry milling, yielding suitable material for conversion into boards by hot pressing. After drying to moisture contents below 12% the milled husk material is evenly spread in the mould/press plate and compressed at high pressure and temperature. The produced board material has been shown to exhibit excellent properties, comparable with or even superior to commercial wood based panels. After pressing the board is cooled in a carrousel and sawn. The boards can be stored on a flat surface on top of each other. The coconut husk boards can be handled with common wood working equipment for drilling, sawing and polishing.

Development of biodegradable mulching mat using coir polymer systems

In order to extend the service life of coir mulching mats the use of various polymers as an alternative bonding material was explored as a Collaborative project between NIIST and NCRMI. A range of systems composed of biodegradable coir and polymers as mulching sheets/mats with improved properties was developed. Three systems of bio-based binders; CNSL based, Cardanol based and Castor oil based were studied. The coir mulch mats on laboratory scale were fabricated; both mechanical and optical characteristics were studied. Mulching mats produced from biodegradable materials like coir has several distinct advantages over conventional polymeric mulches.

Product Design and Development of Coir Fiber Reinforced Polymer Composites for Automotive and Domestic Applications

The machine is designEco-friendly sustainable coir fiber reinforced green composites for commercial applications were developed as part of collaborative project between CBPST and NCRMI. The application target was driven by the current needs in the automotive industry to make eco-friendly interior automotive parts. A prototype design was developed for making PP-coir composite domestic products. The products developed were hanger and grow bag stand and the design was accomplished using the Unigraphics software.
The development of eco-friendly material as wood alternative for furniture applications was explored, which utilizes bio or petro based polymers as matrix and agro-waste natural fibres mainly coir fibre as major reinforcing agent. The coir based polymer composite, the new engineering application to the end uses of coir is a best wood substitute.
ed to weave various GSM sizes of Geo-Textile Matting and the major operations of this loom is carried out by pneumatic cylinders. It has production capacity of 100 M (Geo Textile Mat 900GSM) per 8 hrs.

Development of coir geocell system and its application

Agri Coir Cells were developed for slope land stabilization and cultivation on steep slopes devoid of top soil. Top soil was filled in the agri coir cell and brinjal (Haritha var.) seedlings were planted after application of the basal dose of manure & fertilizers according to package of practice. Thus cultivation can be done in slope land with the help of agri coir cell. Once placed and secured on slope, the geocell can be filled with soil or a mineral fill. On steep barren slopes where it is difficult to place top soil, agri coir cell of higher GSM with tightly woven coir geo-textile bound in a honeycomb cell like structure is a good alternative. They are laid and fixed on steep slopes using bamboo. The honey comb shaped structure can be filled with soil and saplings planted in them.