State Specific Schemes
Subhiksha Keralam
'Subhiksha Keralam' is a scheme launched by the State Government to save the State from the financial loss following the lockdown due to the COVID-19 pandemic and to focus more on agriculture and allied sectors and food production. The project aims to increase production and generate income, enterprises and employment by utilizing the food market. The project is being implemented under the leadership of the Departments of Agriculture, Local Government, Animal Husbandry, Dairy Development, Fisheries, Water Resources, Co-operation and Industry and local governments on a campaign mode, to ensure public participation. Joint efforts of Mahatma Gandhi NREGA, Haritha Kerala and Kudumbasree Missions and Agricultural, Veterinary and Fisheries Universities, Educational Institutions, Public Sector Undertakings, Co-operative Societies, Youth Clubs, Public Organizations, Residents Associations and other agencies are ensured for the success of the project.
Sanitation Campaign
The project is taken up under Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme (MGNREGS) in convergence with Suchitwa Mission to popularize and install bio-inorganic waste collection / treatment facilities such as mini MCFs, compost pits and soak pits as part of sanitation and waste management activities in the State. The mission is to make Kerala exemplary in its commitment to the country by ensuring mass participation under the leadership of Local Self Government Institutions, treating the source of bio-waste, collecting non-organic waste, transferring it to the recycling sector and building public friendly assets that support it. The aim is to start a campaign and achieve ‘complete sanitation status’ by setting specific goals for each local body and completing waste management systems.
Kerala Tribal Plus
In addition to the 100 days guaranteed by the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme, Government of Kerala started 'Kerala Tribal Plus' Scheme to provide additional 100 person days for all ST families in Kerala. The socio-economic development of ST families is aimed at, by allocating additional 100 person days. The cost for this scheme is borne by the Kerala State Tribal Development Department. All ST families in Kerala who complete 100 days of employment under the Mahatma Gandhi NREGS are eligible for the additional benefit. Awareness is imparted in all tribal villages through Tribal Extension Officers, Project Officers, Village Extension Officers, Social Workers and Tribal Promoters to ensure maximum participation.
Advance Payment of Wages to ST families
Although the working days for the Scheduled Tribe families were increased under the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme, the delay in disbursement of wages due to non-receipt of central funds on time, contributed to the reduction in the number of Scheduled Tribes participation in the scheme.
Hence, the State Government decided to set up a corpus fund to provide ST families with weekly advance payments without having to wait for central funds. The project has been implemented in Wayanad district and Aralam Farm in Kannur district through Kudumbasree Mission, and Attappadi block in Palakkad district through a special panchayat committee / oorukoottam. After checking the details of employment completed on a weekly basis, 90% of the wages that each worker is entitled to receive during that week is deposited through NEFT in the bank account that credits the employee's Mahatma Gandhi NREGS wages. Kudumbasree ADS / Oorukoottam account is credited with a refund of the amount paid by the banks at the time of release of funds by the Central Government, for disbursement of unskilled wages
Coir geotextiles
Measures are being taken to protect water resources in the state, including ponds and streams, under Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme.
The widespread use of rare natural resources such as rock, sand and cement for the conservation of water resources is not environmentally friendly. Hence, eco-friendly coir geotextiles are being used instead of such materials.
Ponds, streams and canals are protected with coir geotextile and strengthened using grass / plant species suitable for the respective areas. Survival of the biologically active plant cover is ensured by their maintenance for a period of three to five years.
Jala subhiksha – Well Recharging
This is a well recharging project undertaken by the State Government as part of ensuring water security by enriching the water resources of the State.
The objectives of the project are to make the wells in the State more water rich, to convert all the wells into sustainable - water rich - sanitary wells in different phases and to increase the ground water table of the State, by alleviating summer water shortages in open wells in rural areas and to prevent water quality degradation due to iron, ore, salt and other chemical elements. To this end, rainwater collected on the roofs of houses and rural buildings is collected, purified and recharged to wells. For this purpose, a temporary tank / recharge pit is prepared near the well, filled with sand and charcoal. The rainwater collected from roof top is conveyed through pipes / paths to the temporary tank/recharge pit, purified and recharged to wells.
One crore saplings
The scheme is aimed at setting up nurseries on Government owned lands and farms under the Department of Agriculture under the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme and to produce and distribute one crore plant saplings. Decentralized nurseries are set up in each gram panchayat to produce seedlings. The technical assistance required for this is provided by the Department of Agriculture. The officials of the Department of Agriculture give advice on what seeds are available locally in each area and how to collect them. Seedlings grown in such nurseries are planted on the side of public lands, paths and canals and on the lands of vulnerable families. Maintenance activities are undertaken for a period of 3 to 5 years depending on the variety of seedlings.