‘Virtual IT Cadre’ Program aims at building strong in-house IT team to conceptualize, implement and manage e-Governance projects within the departments.
The lack of skilled resources in the area of e-Governance, IT infrastructure & IT project management is creating dependency on external agencies in the implementation of e-Governance projects in various departments. Since, the external agencies lack domain expertise, the project initiatives are lagging behind or have failed to achieve their objectives. In order to manage the complexities in implementing e-Governance project, a strong IT in-house team within Departments is required. The team is formed through internal selection from skilled and qualified employees within Departments and to deploy them as ‘Virtual IT Cadre’ for the department. The team shall manage the project implementation with the support from Department of Information Technology and Kerala State IT Mission.
The VITC training batch of around 30 trainees undergoes around 10 days residential induction training at IIITM-K in Technopark. Different sessions on e-Governance by eminent personalities are planned during the training schedule. Motivational and inspirational sessions and industry visits also form part of training. On successful completion of training, roles and responsibilities in e-Governance can be assigned to the cadre. ‘Virtual IT Cadre’ interacts with Department of Information Technology / Kerala State IT Mission for all technical matters and maintains a dotted line relationship with both the agencies. After training, ‘Virtual IT Cadre’ members continue with their normal role in their respective Departments and would also help in the implementation of e Governance projects thus acting as a separate cadre virtually without any additional office set up as truly and sincerely implied by its name ‘Virtual IT Cadre’.