As an initial phase of setting up Unified Registry, implementation of Aadhaar Vault would be accomplished. Aadhaar Vault shall act as a centralized repository for all Aadhaar numbers/VIDs collected by the Government departments (sub- AUA) for specific purposes under Aadhaar Act and Regulation, 2016.
Features of Aadhaar Vault :
• It shall be used to manage Aadhaar specific authorization in respect of Social Security scheme benefit management as well as the schemes for which Aadhaar is mandatory.
• Each beneficiary will be identified by a Reference ID against the Aadhaar number. Reference ID and Aadhaar number pair will be stored in the Aadhaar Vault in encrypted form along with a key management system using HSM.
• Both the Aadhaar Vault and the HSM will be secured with suitable security protocols.
• It will act as a highly secure Aadhaar data management solution that is independent and isolated from the applications that use the Aadhaar number using secured APIs.
• The ultimate objective is to reduce the footprint of Aadhaar numbers within the department applications and environments to reduce the risk of unauthorized access.